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workshops, Helsinki Lahti 10 2002, time

basic info
time, place, basic info
themes, the groups
daily impression

the workshop-themes
01 layered type
02 screentype
03 bible type
04 shop lettering

05 carplate type
06 the fatter the better
07 the publication
order publication

applied type
Workshop on type design, hold by Underware for students from two academies in Finland: University of Art and Design, Helsinki & Institute of Design, Lahti. The workshop takes place in October 2002 (14.-25.) in Helsinki and Lahti.

general information
One two-week workshop where students from UIAH and MI co-operate. During the first week (42th) the students from LMI come to Helsinki and work at UIAH. Then, on the second week again the whole workshop group lives and works in Lahti.

the content in brief
The workshop is about applying type into a given context. The student groups are requested to choose from seven given themes their focus. Each group concentrates to only one theme, deepens that up, searches for the content and the form of a type. The aim is not to design/produce complete typefaces, but only to create a visual solution (couple of characters) to a given theme. Important part of the workshop is to introduce this solution not only visually, but creating a text content and a spread for the publication Pts, which will be the end result of the whole workshop.
There are many themes and many possibilities. At the end of the workshop the interesting thing is to see the richness of applied type when all the groups present their theme for the rest of the workshop.

the publication
The goal is to make a publication called 4pts. Pts-publication is the serie of publications, all related to type design and typography. The student produce the content and the design during these two weeks. The most interesting and the most important thing is that the students should work together, not separately. Depending on the amount of student, we form several small groups. The group takes one theme, one direction to what to concentrate. Deciding this should not take too long, only a couple of hours. Underware proposes several themes, and together we decide what is the most interesting to deepen up.

First week concentrated for type design, building a concept and searching for content. The other week concentrates for making the publication: writing the text, designing the pages etc. If we get a good result, the publication will be published by Underware, UIAH and LMI. The goal is to make so good Pts, that we could make it distributed by international book distributor. But this we only see when the publication is done.

designing and using a type
The type design itself is not the most important part of the workshop, but the group should also use the type, to tell something with it. At the end we have a rich publication, brought together by several groups. So the goal is not to make complete typefaces, but only to build a concept and form language that communicates with the content.

the groups
Maximum amount of students is 32, that equals to 16 students from both academies. Ideal amount of groups is 8. Each group takes individual theme from a given list of themes. Each group should have two students from UIAH and two from LMI, bringing a true collaboration between these two schools. Idealisticly spoken the group could then accommodate itself in both towns. Gathering the groups together should happen not later than on the very first day of the workshop.

see above

At UIAH during the week 42: 14.-18. 10.
At LMI during the week 43: 21.-25. 10.

At the beginning of the workshop Underware will do a presentation of their work. Technical issues like introducing the basics of Fontographer-program can be done in-between the main workshop.

Workshop language is English. some fontlinks

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