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workshops, Rotterdam 12 2002, day4

The 4 day-workshop takes place at the Willem de Kooning academy in Rotterdam. The goal of the workshop is to make a new typeface for a signage system near Rotterdam Blaak train station. The typeface and the signage system will be developed by the whole group in three and a half days. The group of students consist of 12 students from the graphic design department.

1) define the feeling and the look of the type by drawing the word 'SNAKE'
2) choose one and develop this into a whole font
3) digitalize the font
4) present it in the right environment

1st day
2nd day
3rd day
4th day (final presentation)

Hello, my name is Cees and I am the system operator of the art academy in Rotterdam. My students made a typeface with the name Cees-Bold, hopefully not because I don't have lots of hair on top of my head anymore. I like fonts. I also made a font myself once, but that is long ago. Apparently the students are fascinated by my personality, because they made a whole sign system about me. You cannot imagine, but this morning I went to work like I do daily. I got out of the train, and from that moment on I saw my name everywhere, people were searching for me. They already got informed where I go to the toilet, where I have my daily coffee, and all those other things people want to know about me. And this was even all set in this brand new typeface Cees-Bold. If I like it? Yeah, I like fonts.
Download pdf here

16 comments so far: read comments , please do comment
Bas -- Friday, December 20 2002, 02:04 pm
Ok , everything is finished. The font is done, the photo's are ready, the sign system is fixed. Let's start with the presentation. Oh no, wait for Cees...

Jack Longneck -- Friday, December 20 2002, 02:47 pm
Although I only saw the site for the first time today I must say I am intrigued by the fact a group of students have designed a font in only a few days. Both because it was group of students (with designing being such an individual thing), but also because it was done in so short a time. A good achievement! And I especially like the photos of the redhaired girl, even though she looks a little pale and closes her eyes on photo's a lot.

nicool -- Friday, December 20 2002, 03:20 pm
Mooi font, ziet er puik uit...wie gaat er met de rechten vandoor....Cees? Erg leuk dat het font in zijn geheel gelijk te zien is door de school heen>>> leuk idee voor de lift? ((((ps.charlotte, kun je me emailen? ik wou je nog wat vragen, maar heb totaal geen contactadres van je ..dus excuus dat het op deze manier gaat(nicool(beeldontwikkeling)))))

Hanski -- Friday, December 20 2002, 03:59 pm
“A camel is a horse designed by committee” But this time the committee appears to be melted to a whole and developed a beautiful black stallion (or should i say white pony - having christmas in mind and all...) Congratulations for a job well done in such short notice from all of us here at KEEN. Alles (ge)geben! http://www.keen.nl

Jani -- Friday, December 20 2002, 04:31 pm
Hello all. I came here by accident trying to find the UIAH/LPT-workshop-site and what a nice surprise! I like your typeface. It looks interesting and I would really like to see more images of the details and such. Is ALLCAPS your final word? Happy christmas! BTW/Bas&co. When is the UIAH/LPT-workshop-publication ready? At chrismas? :) -Jani Pulkka

annemarie -- Saturday, December 21 2002, 09:26 am
veel werk verzet in 1 week. Het resultaat mag er zijn!

karina -- Sunday, December 22 2002, 03:30 pm
aahhh ziet er goed uit. Volgens mij is Cees geslaagd en hebben deze studenten 'alles gegeben' deze week...

Klaartje -- Monday, December 23 2002, 11:19 pm
nou een kleine 'comment' van een absolute leek op dit gebied (dus je zou zeggen "wat hebbie eran?")maar ik doe het lekker toch: het ziet ernaar uit, dat jullie cluppie keihard gewerkt (en gegeten!) heeft de afgelopen week en het resultaat is er wel naar! gaaf project, goed samengewerkt, mooie font! en leuk dat jullie die meneer Cees zo onder de aandacht hebben gebracht! GROETJES VOORAL VOOR CHARLOTTIE! LEUK OM ALLES ZO TE ZIEN!!Kus (alleeen voor Lot!) van Klaar!!

Nel de Pagter -- Wednesday, December 25 2002, 05:15 pm
Mooi sierlijk lettertype. Ziet er hip uit!

Studijo -- Tuesday, January 14 2003, 11:35 am
He, Ennovy, wat een gave opdracht! Ik wou dat ik nog op school zat! Bofkonten, met bier en pizza nog wel! De naam Cees Bold vind ik leuk gekozen.

Voorbijganger -- Sunday, January 26 2003, 02:38 pm
Ik ben zelf een toevallige voorbijganger. Ik heb dit webadres van een (afscheur)briefje van het prikbord bij de ingang van de academie (Blaak). En nu weet ik ook een beetje hoe het er aan toe gaat op zo'n school. Leuk project hoor. En ook erg leuk in beeld gebracht op deze site. Goede reclame/PR voor jullie academie.

martinez el dieos kingos -- Wednesday, February 12 2003, 11:29 am
leuk,leuk.LEUK! Dingbat LEUK! Cees LEUK! gezelligheid LEUK! font Ook LEUK!

-- Thursday, March 27 2003, 12:49 am

-- Thursday, March 27 2003, 12:52 am

Dan McDade -- Thursday, April 10 2003, 12:40 am
good job everyone sounds like alot of work, you must be proud. more beer and pizza thats awesome hah

-- Thursday, April 10 2003, 12:42 am
scratch that

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