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workshops, SanFrancisco 07 2004, basicinfo

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shut up
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Shut up and listen. The power of the written word.

One week type workshop hold by Max Kisman and Underware at the California College of the Arts, San Francisco, 12th till 17th of July 2004.

A designer is a person with a vision and a message. It's not only about form, but about content. Use your skills (design skills, typographic skills) to reinforce your message. Go out into the city, and tell your message with the power of type. Pure big type.

1) define your message (what's worth telling on the streets, and how?)
2) define your location (beach, city center, elevator, bus-station...)
3) define your writing tools (toilet paper, piece of wood, spray-can, something unknown...)
4) define your typography (forms, style, technique)
5) practice and practice and fine tune your piece of typography
6) practice even more with your tools
7) go out into the city and tell your message (try not to get in conflict with the police)

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