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workshops, SanFrancisco 07 2004, finalresult

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daily results: 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : final results

Shut up and listen final result

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James Grieshaber - we never talk

Process: Scouted locations appropriate for the message. Crafted message text. Sketched idea for implementation of message. Then created custom typography that was appropriate for the message of the installation.

Location: The elevator in the Adante Hotel on Geary. This particular elevator has a single door on the left side of the lift-when looking out from the inside. The door opens to the right becoming completely hidden behind a stainless panel.

Installation: The text was placed at eye level in an elevator. When one enters the elevator and stands facing forward they will be confronted by the word "talk." on the front right of the lift. As the door closes to the left, the words "we never" are revealed-attached to the sliding door.

Objective: to challenge the observer's preconceived behaviors, and have them think "Why do we avoid communication with others around us."

Alternate locations: TBD

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