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workshops, Rovaniemi 12 2003, assignment

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daily impression/final result

A typeface created by light
There is printed type, cut type, stenciled type, hand drawn type, engraved type. Why not let it shine? What's possible with the light in the darkness? The eyes are very slow if they can't get light enough, the after-effects stays for long. What else happens for the light total darkness? Explore the possibilties of light, go out to the town and search if there's something which should be visible in the dark, but which isn't. How to cheer up the people in Rovaniemi during the dark time?

Everybody starts to sketch individually, but very soon a few ideas will be chosen to be further developed in groups. Working together is essential. As soon as the sketches for the final typefaces are done, they will be digitalized. Finally, the typeface has to be applied in the way it is meant to be used!

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