We asked different creatives to give a contribution about: Car lettering as a visual chance, in and on a personal public space. Please click on the pictures to read & react (send us you contribution, here).
'Trailer' "To take a motorbiker's somewhat childish, narrow-minded and sexist view on economics, as usually found on the petrol tank or sometimes on the back of a helmet, and to turn it into a threateningly monumental reality by equip-ping the side of a ten-ton truck with a billboard, simply stating a biker's houserules: No Fuck- No Ride Unprotected by a natural logic it loses its original stiff coolness, becoming in one way nothing but a piece of slightly misplaced machismo, making just enough sense to be understood at 100 km/h and just little enough to cause a friction in the space between the medium and the message. In another way it can be seen as a co-operative and conclusive statement on transport and trade by two groups that are both, in their own particular way, specialists in the field. In all this expertise some basic and uncut truth must be hidden, one should say." greetings, Sasker 0 comments so far: read comments , please do comment